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Exploration on Reasons of Britain’s Energy Revolution in the 17th Century#br# ——A Comparison with China’s Energy Revolution

BI Jingyue   

  1. Shenhua Science and Technology Research Institute,Changping,Beijing,102211,China
  • Online:2015-07-01 Published:2015-07-01


Since 1650,coal had taken the most important place in Britain’s energy consumption structure,accounting for
nearly half of energy consumption by 1700. Britain had experienced an energy revolution in transforming from organic energy
to fossil energy. This profound revolution triggered the industrial revolution and changed people’s way of life. The modern
society began to operate. The energy revolution in Britain was the result of urbanization,industry upgrading and technology
advancement. And urbanization was a key structural transformation. In China,however the rich resources did not generate the
original modernazition,the key reason for which was the differences in structures between the two countries. China now urges
a new energy revolution to promote the transformation of the entire economic structure. And that requires major adjustment of
urban and rural structure and industrial structure as well as technology innovation.

Key words: energy revolution;urbanization;Britain&rsquo, s energy consumption;China&rsquo, s energy consumption;technology advancement;
industry upgrading